The end of hope

Den här blev till film som var med i UKM 2006 (Kommunfestivalen i Östhammar och länsfestivalen i Uppsala)

The noose around your neck
The tear on your cheek
The old chair

The sound of the chair falling
The sound of the rope stretching
The sound of you dying

The scream when you?re found
The thump of the body falling down
The sight of sirens

The ambulance taking you away,
even though there is no hope
The white coffin in the middle of the church

The red flowers around it
The photo of you on it
The sound of the organ fills our souls

The men carrying you out
The priest reading the Bible
The very last farewell

The noose around my neck
The tear on my cheek
The old chair

The sound of the chair falling
The feeling of the rope stretching
The feeling of my soul leaving the body

The sound of them screaming
The sound of sirens
The sight of you waiting for me


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