Go kill yourself

Go hang yourself!

Someone's going to cut you down!

Go shoot yourself!

Someone's going to wipe up your remains.

Go drown yourself!

Someone's going to fish your body out of the river!

Go stab yourself!

Someone's going to swab away your blood

Go poison yourself!

Someone's going to bring the corpse out.

Go throw yourself from a mountain!

Some animal will take care of your body.

But if you're going to kill yourself,

Tell me, do you love me?

If you do, don't die,

Stay here with me!

If you don't,

Let me die with you!

Postat av: Ellabella

Det är ju grymt!! You go! :D
Wow, jag blev helt till mig nu, "Jag är rädd för döden" var sjukt bra! Uttrycker verkligen precis det jag känner! Här kommer jag nog titta in fler gånger :)
Ha det jättebra!

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