
Hallo!I?m now thinking in English so I have to write in English too. My mother, my sister and I were watching ?Desperate Housewives? and then I just started too speak English. And if I start I have big troubles to get out of it? What did I do today then? Well, we did have our English presentation about Australia. We used advanced technique with a power point and believe it or not, but everything worked just perfect? It uses to be something wrong with technique, but not today, thanks! Then we had history lesson and started to speak about Sweden during the 18th century (I think). After that it was lunch and then Swedish. We are working with the Greek mythology. The Iliad and The Odyssey. Don?t really know if it?s the right English names, but my computer suggested them, so I trust her. I think my computer is a she, because she can have so many things going on at the same time without getting angry.  Anyone who has a good name for her? We ended the day with music and I and Ellen were singing Zombie, fun, but hard!  Have a good night! Well, here comes today?s quote:

?Måtte du få en halvtimme i himlen innan Djävulen vet att du är död? ? finns med som scenografi i Blodsband


?Tack för idag, nu bryter vi ihop? ? min mattelärare, hon menade att nu bryter vi upp och slutar för idag?


Nu ska jag försöka tänka på svenska igen?


Ha en bra kväll!


Postat av: Louise

Jag tycker att hon ska heta Anna-Lisa eller Astrid...

2007-03-14 @ 21:12:08

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